Is your billing done right?

We’re proud to provide consultation for revenue cycle management for EMS and NEMT services. We can offer an unbiased, third party look into your revenue cycle, whether you operate in-house or with a third party billing company.

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Common Pitfalls of EMS Billing

Ensure your billing is done right. Are you:

  • Properly billing for ALS 911 Assessment & BLS Transport?
  • Properly documenting treatment/no transport?
  • Billing the correct insurance the first time?
  • Understanding Medicare A v. Medicare B in SNF and facility-based patients?
  • Understanding what Advanced Beneficiary Notices (ABNs) can and can’t do?
  • Knowing when it is and when it isn’t worth it to appeal a denied claim?

Ask us how we can help.

Reach out today.

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